Std-5 dt.11-02-21 English
Online Education
NMMS Examination 2020-21 | "National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme" (NMMS
Grant sum and installment rules:
After the assessment, the understudies who come in legitimacy in the area insightful fixed share will be given a month to month payment of Rs. 1000/ - per annum! Grant will be accessible to qualified understudies for a very long time according to 12000/ - .
Grants will be paid to qualified understudies according to the rules of MHRD through the Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), Government of India, New Delhi.
Grant sum will be straightforwardly in the ledger of the recipient understudies through MHRD through National Scholarship Portal
Understudy Qualification:
The understudy will have the option to show up for the N.V.H.S assessment in the current scholarly year in Government Primary Schools in Std-8, Local Body Schools in District Panchayat Municipal Corporation/Nagarpalika) and Granted Primary Schools.
General Category and OBC The understudy of the class ought to have acquired at any rate 55% imprints or identical evaluation in Std-7. Planned Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) understudies ought to have gotten at any rate 50 imprints or identical evaluation in Std-7 in the kitchen.
The yearly pay of the watchman of all classes of understudies is Rs. Just understudies who don't surpass Rs. 1,50,000/ - will have the option to show up for this assessment.
Understudies of tuition based schools, tuition based schools, self-money schools, Kendriya Vidyalayas, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas and private schools run by state government organizations which give convenience, dinners and study offices won't have the option to top off the application structure.
Pay limit:
The yearly pay of the gatekeeper of the applicant ought not surpass Rs.1,50,000/ - as chosen for the NMMS assessment. An ensured duplicate of the watchman's yearly pay explanation should be connected to the understudy's application structure. (Illustration of an authority approved by the public authority should be joined)
Test Fee:
General Category and OBC Examination expense for class understudies will be Rs.70/ - .
Ph.D. What's more, S.T. Assessment charge for classification understudies will be Rs.50/ - .
Administration charge should be paid independently.
Charges paid won't be discounted under any conditions.
Charge Acceptance Center:
Subsequent to filling the application structure in the modernized mail depots of Gujarat as the expense acknowledgment focus, the charge can be printed and the expense can be paid. Two of the three sections printed money will be returned by the mail center.
The mail center should check whether the charge has been paid from the affirmation number alongside the receipt given by the mailing station to the payer.
You can likewise pay the assessment expense through "ATM CARD/NEET BANKING" through online installment passage. Snap on "Rint Application/Challan" and fill in the subtleties to submit online Then select the fitting alternative from the choices of Online Payment "Visitors seg. ZONE 1 Ct ascului Net Banking of ſce" u Other Payinent woul "and fill in the accompanying subtleties. e - receipt to be printed. In the event that there is any deformity simultaneously, it will be seen on the screen that your charge has not been paid.
In the event that the e-receipt isn't produced inside 2 hours subsequent to deducting the charge sum from his financial balance, the online expense payer should contact the State Examination Board promptly by email.
The 90 inquiries of the MAT Intellectual Aptitude Test will be of strict and non-verbal intelligent computation. These inquiries will incorporate Analogy, Classification, Numerical arrangement, Pattern Perception, Ilhidden Figure and so forth
The 90 inquiries of the SAT Educational Aptitude Test will incorporate Std-7 and Std-8 Mathematics, Science and Social Science subjects.
The prospectus of the past scholastic year will be for Std-7.
The prospectus of the principal semester of the current scholarly year will be for Std-8.
Qualifying marks:
General and OBC. Understudies in the class should get a sum of 40% imprints in both the segments and S.C. Furthermore, S.T. Understudies in the class should get a sum of 32% imprints in both the areas.
Out of the understudies who get the passing imprints, just the understudies who come in legitimacy according to the quantity dictated by the region shrewd class will be qualified for the grant. .
Ph. Class arrangement:
Ph.The class will be classified into various subcategories as demonstrated as follows.
Means Cum-Merit Scholarship (NMMS) Exam paper arrangement : Date 23.12.2018.
a) Blindness and Low Vision (BLV)
b) Deaf and in need of a hearing aide (DH)
c) Locomotor handicap including cerebral paralysis, uncleanliness restored, dwarfism, corrosive assault casualties and solid dystrophy (LD)
d) Autism, scholarly handicaps, explicit learning incapacities and dysfunctional behavior (AID)
e) Multiple incapacities from among people under provisions (a) to (d) incorporating hard of hearing - visual deficiency in the posts recognized for every handicaps (MD)
Test structure:
The mode of assessment will be English just as Gujarati. The inquiry paper of the medium whichever medium the understudy picks will be given.
This test will be of different decision structure and Multiple Choice Question - MCQ Based. Each question will have one imprint.
There will be no negative appraisal in the evaluation of these tests.
Daze understudies will be given an additional 30 minutes.
The most effective method to apply on the web:
Online application will be acknowledged by the State Examination Board in regard of this ad. Ta. Application structure can be filled on from 12/11/2030 (12.00 early afternoon) to 16/12/2030 (till 9.4 pm). The accompanying advances must be followed to apply. The application will be viewed as substantial simply in the wake of paying the charge in the wake of affirming the application structure.
The whole structure must be filled in English.
First go to
Snap on "Apply on the web".
Snap on Apply Now against "Public methods cum merit Scholarship Scheme" - (STD - 8).
Tapping on Apply Now will show the Application Format. Fill in all the data mentioned in the Application Format.
Understudy Details - Must be filled based on DISE Number.
The DISE number of the school must be entered for the subtleties of the school. Presently tapping on save will save your information.
Application Number will be created here. Which should be saved.
Applicants of SC, ST, just as PH class are needed to transfer the authentication number, date and confirmation of pay just as a duplicate of the endorsement in the structure on the site.
Presently click on Upload photograph Signature at the highest point of the page. Type your Application Number here and type your Birth Date.
At that point click on Submit. Photograph and mark are to be transferred here.
To transfer a photograph and signature, most importantly your photograph and mark should be in JPG design (10 Kb) in the PC so as to not surpass the size. Snap on Browse Button. Presently from the Choose File screen, select the record in which your Photo is put away in PG design.
Also, click the Open Button. Presently click on transfer button close to Browse Button
Presently your photograph will show up close to it. Presently you need to transfer the mark similarly.
Presently click on Confirm Application.
Type your Application Number here and type your Birth Date. At that point click on submit.
On the off chance that you need to change the application here, click on Edit Application to address it.
Any alteration can be made in the application prior to affirming the application. In any case, no correction can be made in the application after the application is affirmed.
Snap affirm just in the event that you don't want to alter the application. Tapping on Confirm will acknowledge the application on the web and really at that time will it be viewed as substantial.
Presently click on Print Application and Fee challan. Type your Confirmation Number here and type your Birth Date. At that point click on Submit.
Print your application structure and charge cash from here. From that point forward, any automated Indian Post Office branch in Gujarat will have the option to pay the assessment charge in real money or through ATM CARD/NET BANKING through online installment passage.
Required grounds/declarations:
The accompanying grounds, declarations should be connected with the print of the application structure filled on the web
Charge installment cash (SEB duplicate as it were)
Ensured duplicate of Income Form (Attachment of Government Authorized Officer)
Standard-7 marksheet or identical evidence or model
Confirmed duplicate of station endorsement. (Testament of true approved by the public authority should be joined) (if pertinent)
Confirmed duplicate of Disability Certificate (if material)
School methodology:
It will be the sole duty of the school to top off the application structures for the understudies on the web.
All the online application structures filled by the school should be endorsed by the head and submitted to the workplace of the Taluka Primary Education Officer/Govt. Official by 26-12-2020 alongside the necessary grounds/authentications.
Move to be made by the District Primary Education Officer's Office:
The workplace of the District Primary Education Officer needs to present the printed copy of the relative multitude of uses at the State Examination Board, Gandhinagar by 05-01-2020.
Tutoring directions:
Area Primary Education Officers and Govt. Officials in all Government Primary Schools, Granted Primary Schools and Local Body Schools under their ward.
The workplace of the concerned District Primary Education Officer should guarantee that no grievance is gotten or delay is gotten from any school.
It will be the sole obligation of the school to top off the application structures for the understudies on the web. All the online application structures filled by the school should be endorsed by the head and submitted to the workplace of the Taluka Primary Education Officer/Govt. Official by 26-12-2020 alongside the necessary grounds/authentications.
Subsequent to checking the application structures got from the school in the workplace of Taluka Primary Education Officer/Govt. Official on the login given by the R.P.
The workplace of the District Primary Education Officer needs to present the printed copy of all the application structures to the State Examination Board, Gandhinagar by 05-01-2020.
Significant Notices:
In the event that the understudy or the school sends their application straightforwardly to the State Examination Board, it will be considered dropped.
The application structure should be filled precisely on the web. The name, last name, date of birth, position or some other issue won't be later altered by the Board to take extraordinary note.
Understudies of sc, ST, just as PH classes are needed to transfer the declaration just as verification of pay on the site.
Testaments and pay tests transferred by understudies of sc, ST, just as PH classes will be the obligation of the concerned.
In the event that there is any name, family name, date of birth, station or some other mix-up while filling the structure or the name of the understudy entering the Aadhaar Dias number doesn't show up, the understudy should contact the head of the school where he is as of now considering and right the subtleties of the understudy's Aadhaar Dias number by the head. The application structure can be topped off 3 hours after the revision. .
Any misstep made in the most recent day of filling the application structure won't be contemplated. In this manner, the individual filling the structure should change the Aadhaar Dias keeping in view the time furthest reaches of the application structure. It will be the duty of the school chief to make the adjustment.
On the off chance that you discover any trouble in topping off the application structure, reach us on the telephone number given on the site. That endeavors should be made to give greatest number of understudies showing up in the assessment by giving a press note with respect to the distribution of the declaration in the instructive magazines/papers distributed from the area level.
Thinking about the interest of the understudies, endeavors should be made to fill the application type of in any event 5 (five) understudies from each school of the locale.
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